Catechists | Baptism Class Instructors |
Catechism Program Helpers | Choir Singers |
RCIA Team Members | Gardening/Grounds Maintenance |
Adult Confirmation | Prayer Team |
Youth Group Team Members | Sacristans |
Persons willing to offer instruction following a textbook curriculum for our children or youth in grades 1-7, and Confirmation candidates in Grades 8-12. This includes aides to the instructors and substitutes. Classes are once a week and run concurrently with the local school year.
Catechism Program Helpers
Includes persons willing to help with some minimal testing of children preparing for their first Confession and Communion, or willing to help keep up with records for Mass attendance or safety team ensuring safe drop-off and pickup of the children and youth, or other miscellaneous needs.
RCIA Team Members
Persons willing to coordinate and assist in the preparation of adults interested in becoming Christians, helping with things from instruction to organization/administration to hospitality and/or more.
Adult Confirmation
Persons interested in preparing adult baptized Catholics to receive their sacrament of Confirmation.
Youth Group Team Members
Team of persons who will facilitate with continued engagement and formation of our youth in the faith, helping with things from instruction to organization/administration to hospitality.
Baptism Class Instructors
Persons willing to give instruction for parents/godparents seeking baptism of infant and minor children, at most six times a year in English or the same in Spanish, once every other month.
Choir Singers
Persons with some singing capability, who work well with others, willing to practice and can help grow the number of voices and unity and beauty of the sound as leaders of the singing during our worship.
Gardening/Grounds Maintenance
Persons who can help with anything helping to beautify our grounds, from pulling weeds, to picking up trash, leaves, or debris, to whatever else makes our Catholic Church campus and facilities beautiful.
Prayer Team
Persons committed to praying for specific needs and the well-being of our parish members and the community.
Before Mass, be trained to set up all the things necessary for the celebration of Mass. Afterward, put away all items. This includes ensuring that the doors are unlocked/locked and lights are turned on/off as is applicable to each Mass. Persons can help with one or more Masses as interested and able.
Catholic Daughters of America
Meetings on the Second Tuesday of the Month in classroom C, following the 5:30 pm mass.
Contact Cathy Devorsky for info 254-717-4224
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus #7202 meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm @ the parish hall. For info call Ralph Blanco @ 254-495-9668
St. Joseph Quilts of Mercy Group
Meet on Tuesdays @ 9:00 am in classroom A. If you have a love of quilting and would like to help them make prayer quilts for baptisms/new baby, the sick, etc., please give Janet Rowell a call for details @ 254-230-6933.
Homebound Ministry
Visiting those unable to attend Mass and bring Holy Communion to them.
Tri Cities Ministries
Area churches that together can assist the needs of the community. Serving Bellmead, Lacy Lakeview, Chalk Bluff and Elm Mott. St. Joseph's collects non perishable food on the 1st weekend of each month to donate to them.