Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church!
May the grace, mercy and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Our parish church is a community of believers united in the faith of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ. We are privileged to continue the work of Jesus Christ who gave His Church a mission, i.e., to preserve and proclaim the good news of salvation and eternal life in Him for whoever believes in Him and is baptized (Mk 16:16), and perseveres in that faith until the end (Mt 24:13).
The simple truth is that none of us will live here forever, but we don't exist in vain, just to die. Our lives matter to the smallest detail, as every hair on our head has been counted (Mt 10:30). To Him, who not only created us along with all else that exists, and who became a man, and died for love of us and to save us from our sins and death, we will each have to account for our lives, both for what we have done and not done. There is a point and purpose to everyone's life and what we do matters. Joyfully we welcome you, inviting you to join us, to come find out more, who God is, how much He loves you, and to experience the joy that comes from discovering the fulness of truth as revealed by God in Jesus Christ, His Son, Who is the reason for any and all true hope.
God bless you,
Fr. Fernando Sáenz, Pastor